Sunday, August 19, 2007

Hi Everyone,

it's official. I have THE GIG . 2nd UNit Director on Saddle Club!!!
I had the interview this morning, seemed to pass with flying colours, then I asked them if they knew I was horsey, well they didn't , but they do now and that was just a bonus.
This is actually better than 1st unit as it is a longer period of work , and I will get to do an ep on 1st Unit too!!!
Ella and I have been running around singing the Saddle Club song all day-you know it-"hello world, this is me...etc".
So I will be living Monday to Friday in Daylesford for several months. It will be long hours, but I couldn't think of better work, photographing horses all summer.Starting in October.
So, almost all my dreams have come true, I just want to direct Vegemite commercial now.
gob x


Tony said...

Well done Spock! If you take Ella with you and she spends all that time hanging around horses she'll turn into another little HGBWPWPL

gob said...

very funny

julie said...

Hey Tone, we'd all LOVE the long version of your descriptive abbreviation,JUST so that we have it on record for posterity...J