- ......but backtracking, school finished with Nico doing well in Chemistry and art for part A) of year 12, Alex socialized(and rowed a bit), Phoebe danced 3 concerts over an intense driving , makeup , and tutu weekend, and Raphie cut pasted glued
and generally created,happily and creatively leaving mayhem in every indoor and outdoor space. Phoebe and I saw 'The Nutcracker" by the Qld ballet in the gala opening, as our Chrissy present, and the next morning we headed south for 2
excellent weeks at my real home, Clarkes Beach. Flash new luxurious cabin, great sunny showery windy surfing walking reading kiteflying sleeping weather. Al tried to boing out his left eye with an occa strap hook as we packed to come home, and we saw the inside of the ambulance, BB hospital, and now know the eye clinic in Bris intimately. But he is a very lucky boy, and still has 2 good eyes.

Just the 5 of us saw in the soggy New year on the deck, as Bris has had rain and cool, after years of hot and drought, and now we are travelling through sleepy January into my birthday tomorrow, then finding booklists, covering school books, etc. etc. and our new exciting year.